Want To Be a Sponsor for the 2016 Power Show?
Would your buissness or someone that you know like to be a sponsor for our 2016 Power Show on May 20th and 21st, 2016? If the answer is yes, print off our advertising form below or contact a member of Foothills Antique Power Association Today!
FAPA Shirt Sponsorship Form
FAPA Sponcership Packages Form
For More Infromation Contact:
President: Kevin Black 828-464-1950 Vice Pres: Wilson Sigmon 828-256-2176
Treasurer: Kermit Nash 828-459-9616 Secretary: David Setzer 828-850-4943
Show Chair: Ned Story 828-464-6399 Asst.Show Chair: Teddy Hefner 828-310-5525
Asst. Secretary: Kevin Sigmon 828-256-2176